
Soaping Enzyme


> bio-chem product, environmental-friendly, more safe-using, suitable for soaping treatment after reactive dyeing.
> it gives decomposition to unfixed dyes on the fabrics or free dyes soluble in the bath, therefore, it can wash off free colors quickly from the fabrics.  meantime it gives no influence to the fixed dyes on the fabrics, so that to gives the fabric more brilliance after soaping treatment.
> comparing with traditional soaping agent, it need less soaping time, less rinse time, and gives better soaping power.


> Appearance:  white powder
> PH value:   6.5-7.0 (1% solution)

How to use

Soaping enzyme: 0.2-0.4 g/L,  85℃,  15-20 minute
Steps: Rinse, Acid treatment --- 40℃, Rinse --- 60℃, Rinse --- 100℃, Soaping ---85℃, Soaping enzyme
--- Rinse, Neutralization --- 40℃, Rinse

Comparison between soaping agent and soaping enzyme

Bulk trial in dyeing factory: 
         Dyeing Recipe:         Reactive Yellow 3RS    1.2%
                                              Reactive Red 3BS         1.3%
                                              Reactive Black B            6.1%
                                              Bath Ratio                       1 : 10
         Conventional soaping agent treatment steps:
         Rinse, Acid treatment --- 40℃, Rinse --- 40℃, Rinse --- 60℃, Rinse ---100℃, Soaping --- 100℃, Soaping --- 80℃, Rinse
--- 40℃, Rinse ---Rinse, Neutralization --- 40℃, Rinse
         Soaping enzyme treatment steps: 
         Rinse, Acid treatment --- 40℃, Rinse --- 60℃, Rinse --- 100℃, Soaping ---85℃, Soaping enzyme
--- Rinse, Neutralization --- 40℃, Rinse 

Comparison of Fastness, Performance, and Energy Consumption between treatment by soaping agent and by soaping enzyme

    by Soaping Enzyme by Soaping Agent
Fastness Rubbing(dry) GB/T3920-1997 4 3-4
Rubbing(wet)GB/T3920-1997 3-4 3
Washing        ISO 105 4 3-4
Energy consumption Treatment steps 7 10
Time saving  (Hours) 2 -
Water saving  (Liters) 3t/100kg -
Steam saving (hot water rinse) 1  at least -
dosage Soaping Agent 1.0 2.0
Soaping Enzyme 0.2-0.4 -

Dosage recommended

The most suitable dosage of soaping enzyme is decided according to the dyestuff used and the processing condition. The recommended dosage is 0.2-0.4g/L.

Packing   25KG carton.
Storage   In cool and dry place

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